As I wander around on a daily basis I find myself taking note of signs and posters and interpreting them in ways that the original author had never intended. For me it is a humorous exercise but try it on your own scribblings and see if your communications are up to scratch.
Seen outside a pub – Good Food Served Here. Well would you actually deliberately sell bad food? Why not use the space for a meaningful marketing message?
Seen near a school – Slow Children Crossing. Am I to drive slowly because I am near children or am I being warned that these particular children are in need of cattle prods?
Seen in the toilets at a motorway service station – Wet Floor. Is this a warning or an instruction?
Road sign in Essex – Secret Nuclear Bunker
Seen on newspaper stand at motorway services – Please refrain from reading the newspapers
Sign at Northampton General Hospital – Family Planning Advice, Use Rear Entrance